Presentation and Graphics

Presentation and Graphics
This dev log will briefly discuss some of the feedback I have received and my own ideas in regard to the graphical style I have chosen to go with, art, and general presentation.
Overall, the graphical style has been received positively! People love the vibe of the first area and have mentioned that it feels mystical and pretty. In the current build I have implemented a parallax effect on the background as well as some particles that float around the world to make it feel more alive.
TLFT - Particles floating
These have been noted by testers as nice touches that increase the immersion in the area. I have also received feedback suggesting that the art style is very cohesive and feels unique, while still being familiar (being compared to old Mario games by some non-gamers).
One person mentioned that it would be nice to see a beach/water biome in which the sea life enemies are more believable. I agree and in my original concept document had imagined that the game would take place in a seaside biome. I had intended the game to start in the forest lakes and then move into sea caves, then come out at the beach side by the third level. Afterwards I would imagine the character travelling through the docks and into the city. After the city the player may ascend a building that leads to a cloud area. This, however, is much too great a scope for the current implementation. While I will strive to include as much content as is achievable by the due date, I am trying to be aware of current constraints on my time. It could be fun to make a bit of a crunch to get this seaside vibe in though, so maybe I crunch?
Testers have enjoyed the animations and have noted some funny touches, such as the fishers grapple animation, which has him being yanked horizontally. See example below:
TLFT - Horizontal Grapple
I would like to include some lighting effects in coming weeks to add to the polish of the game. As well as this, colour grading and some post processing effects (e.g., bloom) will likely add a great deal to the overall piece.
Soundtrack Ideas
I have started considering what the soundtrack may be tonally (e.g., dark, light, 8-bit, hi-fi, etc.) and these decisions will help me compose suitable songs for each part of the level. I have not decided yet, however, I am leaning towards an 8-bit style, as observed in the soundtrack of Shovel Knight developed by Yacht Club games, composed by Jake Kaufman. I want the soundtrack to be harmonically interesting but still fun, complementing the light-hearted vibe of the game.
Summary + Notes
This is a shorter dev log than I usually do, but I am still working on fixes and features noted in past dev logs. However, as a general update here are some things I have worked on this week:
- Health Bar (UI element for the health bar)
TLFT - Health Bar
- Water Interaction (damages player and resets to last location on land)
TLFT - Water Interaction
- Enemy food drops (killing an enemy results in a food drop that can be eaten to regain health).
TLFT - Food Drops
- Tutorial signs (while not entirely necessary for the gameplay, I felt that these added a nice touch to the overarching idea that the fisherman is going on a trip, on which he would likely come across signs. In addition, these will allow me to add humour and explain other general interactions within the game
TLFT - Signs
- Dust Trail when flipping sprite (particle effect that emits when the players sprite is flipped, as to replicate force behind player turns).
TLFT - Dust Trails
- Grapple now damages enemies on contact!
TLFT - Grapple Damage
The next week’s work will involve preparing for a testing session with survey feedback as well as implementing some more polish/UI elements, completing the level, creating a boss and more enemies, and beginning to look at composing a soundtrack for the game! But for now imma go enjoy a sunny Sunday afternoon.
Happy Gaming!– Kronkerd/Taylor
The Last Fishing Trip
Status | Prototype |
Author | kronkerd |
Genre | Adventure, Platformer |
Tags | 2D, Action-Adventure, Fishing, pixel |
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- Documentation + User GuideOct 25, 2024
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- Game TestingOct 17, 2024
- Enemy InteractionOct 06, 2024
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- Player MovementSep 22, 2024
- Game ConceptSep 17, 2024
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