Features for Assessment
Pong » Devlog
Notable Assessment Features
- Ball resets with a countdown to kick-off, appearing on the opposite side of the screen which the ball will move towards.
- Match logic and game logic, 5 points wins a match, first player to win 3 matches wins the game.
- Score counter has a sound effect when scores are incremented, which is delayed to come just after the goal sound and synced with the text UI update.
- AI created for 1 player mode, following the y component of the ball.
- 2 player mode available
- Original sound effects added for scoreboard updates, the headline exclamations, the countdown to serve, menu selections, goals and wall/paddle bounces. The wall and paddle bounces randomly fluctuate in pitch to make the bounce sound more interesting and less stagnant.
- Original soundtrack, the soundtrack differs between the start menu and the game.
- Ball slowly increases speed, to a maximum of 30.
- The paddles use an Ellipse collider component shaped so that the collision still looks normal but the ball bounces off the corners based where on the ellipse curve it hits.
- Pause menu which freezes gameplay and allows the user to resume gameplay, return to menu, or quit the game.
- At the end of the game, the player is returned to the start menu, where they can then select a new game.
- Animations for paddle collisions
- A headline/announcer text that appears at the bottom of the screen, then moves to the scoreboard ("match 1", "player 1 wins", "CPU wins" etc.).
Features for future:
- Screen shake on goal: I played around with this but didn't feel that it was effective in the way that i had originally thought. More time will be required for me to polish that up.
- Goal Animation: text or explosion, would love to figure this out sometime. Whenever I played with it, everything felt too crowded, would be really cool but again, need more time to do this effectively!
PongWebGL(2).zip Play in browser
Aug 08, 2024